Attend |
Absent |
(Comcast) |
Matt_Skane@Comcast.com |
860-505-3349 |
x |
Alan Budkofsky |
Bloomfield |
abudkofskycommittee@outlook.com |
860-202-3077 |
x |
Candace Fisher |
West Hartford |
QFQ118@hotmail.com |
860-670-0442 |
x |
Roger Goldbeck |
West Hartford |
Goldbeck54@gmail.com |
860-521-0838 |
x |
Zenobia Graham-Days |
Bloomfield |
zgrahamd@gmail.com |
860-778-8383 |
x |
Charles Jackson |
Windsor |
extracreditcstudent@gmail.com |
860-604-9528 |
x |
Claudette Miller |
East Hartford |
wcmiller91@aol.com |
860-528-1160 |
x |
Richard Ostop |
Simsbury |
marshalreo@sbcglobal.net |
860-658-2739 |
x |
Ken Picard |
Simsbury |
kenpicard@comcast.net |
x |
David Raney |
Windsor |
raneyda@comcast.net |
860-668-2943 |
x |
Andrea Seldon |
Bloomfield |
absdst75@gmail.com |
860-243-0204 |
x |
Brenda Saulnier |
East Hartford |
safirerose@att.net |
860-528-4808 |
x |
William Stephenson |
Windsor |
billtech@comcast.net |
860-668-5075 |
x |
Patricia Bruhn |
Windsor |
860 916-8371 |
x |
Karen Handville |
Jennifer Evans |
West Hartford Community Interactive |
Jenny Hawran |
WinTV |
Minutes of the HACTAC January 15, 2020
Claudette Miller Brenda Saulnier
Richard Ostop Charles Jackson
David Raney Patricia Bruhn
Zenobia Graham-Days Roger Goldbeck
Excused Absence:
Alan Budkofsky
Candace Fisher
Station Managers:
Karen Handville
Jennifer Evans
Jenny Hawran
The start of the meeting was moved to 7:30 as dinner had not yet been served. The meeting was called to order at 7:30pm. Dick thanked those who attended tonight’s dinner and meeting.
A motion was made by Dave Raney and second by Brenda Saulnier to accept the November 2019 minutes as presented; there was no December meeting. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report:
Charles Jackson presented the November and December summaries. A motion was made by Roger Goldbeck and second by Dave Raney to accept the Treasurer’s report subject to audit. Motion passed. Dick presented the annual $2,000 check from Comcast for deposit.
Town Reports:
Zenobia reported that Bloomfield TV is doing the best they can with what they have in the new space in the Middle School. It was emphasized that HACTAC is here to help in any way.
East Hartford:
Brenda and Claudette mentioned their Holiday Fest and that Comcast fixed the issue between the schools.
Dick mentioned that Hartford is in need of Representatives. He also pointed out that Gil Martinez has contacted Senator Fonfara regarding P.E.G. funding and suggests that each access station also send a letter to Senator Fonfara.
Karen reported that SCTV is currently working on submitting the PEGPETIA and Town of Simsbury Grant applications.
West Hartford:
Jennifer stated how critical it is to emphasize how important P.E.G. stations are to their communities. WHCi programming will include the MDC meetings for 2020, Martin Luther King Jr. program with live coverage, a State of the Town program series and more.
Jenny reported that PEGPETIA grant application has been filed. Their Hartford Foundation for Public Giving grant received in the end of 2019 gave them new studio microphones. They are currently looking for new income sources. Program activities include Podcasting classes, smartphone editing, online webinars for at home and small businesses. The KidVid summer program sign-ups start in February. Jenny is celebrating her 10th year at WinTV.
No report.
Dick mentioned if you send an email to Comcast, copy HACTAC.
Committee Reports:
Connecticut State-wide Video Advisory Council:
No report.
Chairman’s Report:
See attached for correspondence and complaints.
Old Business:
Continue to meet each month at an area restaurant for meetings.
New Business:
Dave Raney was appointed Chair of the Nominating Committee.
Dick will file the HACTAC Annual report to PURA by January 31st as required.
Schedule 2020- 2021:
February 19, 2020 Windsor
March 18, 2020 East Hartford
April 15, 2020 Bloomfield
May 20, 2020 Hartford
June 17, 2020 Simsbury
September 16, 2020 West Hartford
October 21, 2020 Windsor
November 18, 2020 East Hartford
No December meeting
Adjournment: As there was no additional business to come before the Board, a motion was made by Brenda and second by Claudette to adjourn the meeting. Meeting was adjourned at 8:45 pm.
Next Meeting and Location:
The next meeting will be in Windsor on February 19, 2020 starting at 6:00 pm.